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About us

A regional committee comprised of NA areas in BC., Canada.

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Freedom begins when you work the program.

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Documents & Forms

Tools to help assist us in our efforts to carry the message

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Please click on the appropriate link to access the file or form that you require

NA Service Forms
RCM Report Form
BC Region Admin/Committee Report Form
PR Area Report Form
BC Group/Event Insurance Request Form
BC Region Venue Accomodation Form

Regional Information and Assests
BC Regioanal Area Directory
Regional Guidelines
BCRSC PR Guidelines
PNW Guidelines
Project Charge Sheet
Nomination Form
Standardized Election Questionnaire
RCM Orientation Booklet
Acronym List

NA Surveys
Issue Discusssion Topic Input
Gender-Neutral and Inclusive Language in NA Literature Dealing with Disruptive and Predatory Behaviour
New Survey about Step Working Materials
New Survey about Step Working Materials

2023-2026 Projects
Focus Group Volunteer Form for 2023-2026 conference cycle

Issue Discussions
Issue Discussion Topics are subjects that recovering addicts in NA communities around the world focus on in discussions and workshops throughout each two-year conference cycle. These conversations encourage us to think more deeply about relevant topics and help build unity within our groups and service bodies. In addition, sending the results of your discussions to the World Board can help shape Fellowship-wide resources and services. https://na.org/?ID=IDT-IDT