• Our Vision

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A regional committee comprised of NA areas in BC., Canada.

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CANA/ACNA Vision Statement

Inspired by the primary purpose of the groups we serve, our Vision provides direction for all the efforts and actions of the Canadian Assembly of Narcotics Anonymous. In our vision is a time:

  • when addicts throughout the geographical expanse we serve need no longer suffer and die without having had the opportunity to discover and experience the miracle of recovery offered by Narcotics Anonymous.
  • when the NA message of recovery is freely carried in every language and across all boundaries of culture, ethnicity and geography from coast to coast to coast.
  • when the Canadian Assembly is universally recognized as a dynamic and reliable resource for NA services and information.
    This vision directs all our service efforts. With the guidance of a loving Higher Power we strive towards these ideals.

This is the only official web site of the Canadian Assembly of Narcotics Anonymous. We are providing information and services on the Internet as a benefit and service in furtherance of our primary purpose. We do not endorse, support or have any affiliation with any outside agency. Links provided on this site are as a service to our members. Logo and trademarks are owned by the fellowship of Narcotics Anonymous. Use of trademarks and logos are permitted only with prior written permission.