The History of Narcotics Anonymous in B.C.

The First Meeting for Addicts in B.C.

The first recovery meetings in British Columbia for addicts used the name Addicts Anonymous and occurred in the city of Vancouver, British Columbia in the early 1950's. These meetings were connected to a movement that grew out of meetings for addicts at the Unites States Public Health Service Hospital in Lexington, Kentucky in the late 1940's. These meeting died out in the early 1960's because they did not follow the Traditions.

NA Begins in Canada

The first Narcotics Anonymous meeting took place in Canada in late September of 1967. It was in Victoria, British Columbia that James D. and Bernard A. began meeting weekly to help each other stay clean. The late 1960's were a time of struggle for the fellowship an in 1967 there were only 15 meetings worldwide, with most of them occurring in California. Although the attendance at the Victoria meetings fluctuated, and the locations often changed, by the early 1970's the fellowship had begun to stabilize, and it was in 1973 that the Victoria Area Service committee formed. In 1976 there were meetings listed in Innisfail Fort Saskatchewan, Red Deer, AB, Thunder Bay and Toronto ON. and in 1978 meetings sprang up in Calgary AB and Moncton NB.

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James D. talking about the beginnings of NA started in VictoriaJimmy K, a founder of NA, at the 22nd Anniversary of NA, August 15, 1975 discussing one of our early meetings in Victoria
The location of the first NA meeting which took place in late September of 1968

NA Grows

By late 1978 an N.A. meeting was started in Vancouver by Walter J. , and in 1981 the NA World Directory listed 11 meetings in BC. The publishing of the Basic text was responsible for the rapid growth of NA worldwide including BC and it wasn't long before there were several meetings throughout the Province. The 1983 the world Directory contained 48 meetings, and by 1989, 112 meetings were taking place in BC. Currently there are 362 meetings province wide as well as Whitehorse and Watson Lake YK.

The Pacific Northwest

By 1980, the meetings in Vancouver continued to grow and formed the Vancouver Area Service Committee. In 1981 the first NA meeting was started in Kamloops and by October 1985, 6 groups joined together to form the Fraser Valley Area Service Committee. these four areas were the start of the BC Region which was officially formed on the 1st of January 1982 and left the Pacific Northwest Region.

The PNWRSC Meeting List for Spring - Summer 1983

By 1981, the meetings in Vancouver continued to grow and by October 1985, 6 groups joined together to form the Fraser Valley Area Service Committee.

Below are images of two of our earliest surviving meeting lists.

The Straight Talk from Vancouver Area
Close To Home from Fraser Valley Area
British Columbia Region of Narcotics Anonymous